Diksha Chakravarti

Stress Management Instructor

About and Experience

Diksha has been a Stress & Pain Therapist for 23yrs.  She has a degree in Psychology, an MSc in Neurophysiology, is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mindfulness practitioner.  She trained with and is an Associate of the Stress Management Society who is accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management. She is an experienced health-focused Workstation Assessor, she trained at the University of Surrey.

Diksha is a published author and is therefore well placed to provide integrated and specialist Stress Management Training.

Philosophy and approach

Diksha’s primary values are to serve and empower people to be the best they can be.  She believes people are capable of achieving their dreams with the right guidance and tools.  She is passionate about empowering people and enabling them to regain control of their lives, freeing themselves from being prisoners to stress, pain or society at large.


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