Gratitude #6 – #Belief. There have been a handful of points in 2020 where my self-belief has wobbled, and I’ve wondered if an employed role with an organisation that would put me onto a regular payroll would be less nerve wracking. Part of the #steeplearningcurve of #owning and working in my #ownbusiness is to work with the #highsandlows, and to try to flatten out that curve over time. This is what we are now focused on doing, 20 months into our journey.
At each ‘wobble’ point, someone has stepped into my world and encouraged me to keep going. Sometimes that support has come from the most unexpected sources.
Running your own business can be a lonely place, especially when you put this in the context of the #pandemic. But, with the knowledge that I have a collection of #people behind me, willing me on, has meant #oysteroutcomes has been able to grow in 2020.
Oyster Outcomes is founded on #strongfootings, and the #goodwill of friends and colleagues deserves recognition and thanks. With the infrastructure now in place, if I chose to take an employed role, Oyster could continue to run without my sole focus.
#Thankyou to those who continue to believe in me, and my business – it means the world. Happy new year.