Gratitude #5 – Working from home. We started the year with #client meetings in Hull and London, but #Lockdown1 stopped this in March.
Like millions of parents, I faced the challenge of balancing #work with #homeschooling four children aged 10 and under. This was extra difficult as we endured other significant home challenges. It wasn’t just a case of supporting the children’s learning, there was a very large role in supporting their #emotionalwellbeing. Things began to ease in May, and I struck a greater #worklifebalance.
I’ve been grateful for my #colleagues and #clients who’ve understood when I’ve been ‘video-bombed’ by my children. One of my clients even had the joy of seeing my three-year old arriving at my desk, having cut her curls! And I’m grateful I haven’t had to apply my makeup everyday to present myself to the world.
But, I’m now really keen to take #oysteroutcomes back out there meeting people #face2face. The impact of various lockdowns and the rise of #virtualworking will enable a greater, and much needed degree of #flexibility from organisations and many job roles, but #humancontact is also important.
Let’s will on an effective #Covidrecoveryeffort for many reasons, including enabling people to meet again, and derive the home-working benefits acquired in 2020.