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The latest news & thoughts from the team at Oyster Outcomes
This month’s spotlight, Neil Stead

In this month’s monthly spotlight we are introducing Neil Stead who is one of our associate consultants and i-act mental health instructors. Neil has gained a wealth of professional experience, skills & capabilities over 30 years in the John Lewis Partnership. Having delivered across key strategic areas (including Customer Loyalty, Marketing, Risk Management, Business Continuity...

QA Education – Digital magazine

We are so proud of our new digital magazine created by QA Education  – to read more click here Mental Health and Wellbeing QA Partner with Oyster Outcomes, experts at working in all tiers of education, to access Youth and Adult mental health and well-being learning resources. No one knows better than you, how important...

#helloyellow for YoungMinds interview

#helloyellow for YoungMinds. We would like to thank Neil, Emma and Charlotte Stead for their courage in speaking openly about #youthmentalhealth, and their lived experiences of getting Charlotte the best professional help available, that she believes has saved her life. This is something that every parent should read…Sharing lived experiences of Youth Mental Health, and insights into the help...

Act of Gratitude #6

Gratitude #6 – #Belief. There have been a handful of points in 2020 where my self-belief has wobbled, and I’ve wondered if an employed role with an organisation that would put me onto a regular payroll would be less nerve wracking. Part of the #steeplearningcurve of #owning and working in my #ownbusiness is to work with the #highsandlows, and to try to flatten...

Act of Gratitude #5

Gratitude #5 – Working from home. We started the year with #client meetings in Hull and London, but #Lockdown1 stopped this in March. Like millions of parents, I faced the challenge of balancing #work with #homeschooling four children aged 10 and under. This was extra difficult as we endured other significant home challenges. It wasn’t just a case of supporting the children’s learning,...

Act of Gratitude #4

Gratitude #4 – The opportunity to #learn. 2020 truly pushed us out of our comfort zone, seeing us experiment in ways we may otherwise have been dubious about. The term #fastfail resonates as we tried new things, learnt from them, and improved for next time. Although not perfect, we’ve worked hard on our #virtualpresence, including website and social media activity.  We’ve...

Act of Gratitude #3

Gratitude #3 – The firm building blocks now in place by nurturing our important #clientrelationships in 2020. We’re eternally grateful for our clients. With SUMS Consulting we’ve: -Worked with the #Universities of Reading, Leicester, Hull and Westminster in #studentrecruitment, #marketing and #admissions, optimising activities, systems and structures in the #recruitmentfunnel -At one HEI, delivered an in-depth #targetoperatingmodel assignment and shaped #matrixworking -Conducted a #TOM #benchmarkingreport, and written #thoughtleadership papers -Aligned with two #communityofpracticegroups (CPG) – #Change; and #MarketingandCommunications, providing...