Gratitude #3 – The firm building blocks now in place by nurturing our important #clientrelationships in 2020. We’re eternally grateful for our clients.
With SUMS Consulting we’ve:
-Worked with the #Universities of Reading, Leicester, Hull and Westminster in #studentrecruitment, #marketing and #admissions, optimising activities, systems and structures in the #recruitmentfunnel
-At one HEI, delivered an in-depth #targetoperatingmodel assignment and shaped #matrixworking
-Conducted a #TOM #benchmarkingreport, and written #thoughtleadership papers
-Aligned with two #communityofpracticegroups (CPG) – #Change; and #MarketingandCommunications, providing stimulating environments for members from many #universities
-Supplied SUMS Members with #coachingandmentoring services, and also offer #MentalHealthFirstAid training
We work in #GovernanceandAssurance in #PrimaryEducation, including as a primary school #FoundationGovernor and a #Director to the #Board of the Frassati Multi-Academy Trust, with a key responsibility as #Chair of the #RemunerationCommittee.
We’ve worked with two #startups, both offering #luxuryfoodandbeverage products. One client has benefitted from our ability to help them map creative thinking into operational plans. For the other, we will act as Product Promoter.
If you are interested in how we might be able to support you, get in touch!